#100, speak and spell, teach and tell, count and swell

April 29, 2017

“we can’t build a wall. we can only spout pure water again and again and drown his lies” (Eileen Myles, Resist Much, obey little)

The Great Wave, Hokusai, 1829–1832, “A History of the World in 100 Objects, #93”

        “Defiant Yet Jubilant Voices Flood U.S. Cities” (Day 2, “[Almost] 100 Days of Page One Headlines“)

Poets are summoned to a stronger imagination of language and humanity in a time of new and radical Weathers. White House Inc. is the last gasp of the dying Confederacy, but its spectacle is dangerous and addictive so hold onto your mind. Fascism loves distraction. Keep the world safe for poetry. Open the book of love and resistance. Don’t tarry! (Anne Waldman, Resist Much, obey little)

Speak and Spell, 1 of 100 projects from Digital Archaeology

“White House Memo: Trump Rejects 100-Day Test, Yet Seeks an A” (Day 95)

I accept and hereby complete my parallel digital 100-Day Test, #100hardtruths-#fakenews. Unlike my partner in crime, I seek no rank nor grade nor accrual of followers. I have counted right along side him, but I hope more as mattering than tabulating. For this is not a game, although it has become for me a very much needed daily practice with a 100 count. In my version of the test, I am accountable for the value of and values within what I have built and shared herein.

I reject 45’s methods, logics, beliefs, and linked actions that have been spread and benefited by the #fakenews, while acknowledging that in so doing, I too have shared in. I accept that I am complicit and accountable for my role therein. I would like to learn how to not participate-and-collaborate. I seek to grasp how to take part in digital defiance without collusion.


With this last collection of collections above and below, this final accounting of accountings, I testify to the magnificent swell of our jubilant voices and poetic defiance held herein, to the value of our technological archeology and journalistic integrity, the “expansion of consciousness, empathy, and insight,” and to the ever more desperate need for our “stronger imagination of language and humanity.”

After the first 100 days, I pledge to heed the poets’ call:

  • Working with others, I will “open the book of love and resistance” by taking this at last complete digital into the world thereby connecting it to other people and other primers.
  • In community, I will “spout pure water again and again and drown his lies” in the many forms that #100hardtruths-#fakenews embraces and engages: education, activism, history, science, technology, conversation, and art.

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One Response to “#100, speak and spell, teach and tell, count and swell”

  1. Lisa Hirschfield Says:

    This was a formidable committment, and I appreciate the way you wrestled with that (and your resistance to it) within the project. You didn’t “make it look easy.” And now it stands as a formidable accomplishment. For me the ultimate lesson is to wear my humanity and vulnerability on my sleeve–and resist the fear of doing so–so that I might encourage others to do the same. That too is a formidable committment to make, and one I will continue to wrestle mightily with. But it’s so necessary. No time for hiding now.

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